Please participate. Take the day.

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#MayDay is upon us, and this show of solidarity couldn’t be more important.Our struggles are one, as we all face a system that only works for the 1%. We strike to support each other, and to collectively cry out “Enough!”

This Tuesday, May 1st, let us stand together to reclaim our jobs, our communities, our lives.

Another world is possible. Join us to begin building it.

Withdraw your consent and strike!
May 1 communication

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Text “@MayDayAction” to 23559 for day-of text updates on ongoing events.
#M1NYC schedule

Check for the full May Day schedule and any last-minute updates.

8 a.m. to 2 p.m. – Bryant Park

* Pop-up Occupation (unpermitted)
Bryant Park will be the site of a fun and friendly “Pop-up Occupation” with Mutual Aid, featuring free food, a free market, free services, skill-shares, workshops, teach-ins, speak-outs, meditation, public art, performances, discussions, and trainings.

* 99 Picket Lines and other direct actions
Bryant Park will also be a staging area for 99 Picket Lines (#99PKTS; Facebook; email; map) to expose, disrupt, and shut down the corporations who rule our city, as well as other forms of civil disobedience, creative disruptions, bank blockades, outreach to commuters and tourists, and more!

2 p.m – March to Union Square

* Occupy Guitarmy March from Bryant Park (unpermitted)
March and make music with the Occupy Guitarmy, led by Tom Morello from Rage Against the Machine! OWS Music is enlisting 1,000 guitar-playing musicians to join this march (email).

4 p.m – Rally at Union Square

* Unity Rally (permitted)
The May Day Solidarity Coalition has organized an historic convergence of the 99%! Join occupiers, labor unions, the immigrant justice coalition, students, and faith & community groups for a massive rally at Union Square. Musical performances by Das Racist, Dan Deacon, Tom Morello, Immortal Technique, Bobby Sanabria, and other special guests (Facebook).

5:30 p.m. – March to Wall Street

* Solidarity March from Union Square (permitted)
March from Union Square to Wall Street with a coalition of labor, immigrant, OWS, student, and faith organizations (Facebook).

8:00 p.m. – Occupy Wall Street Afterparty

* People’s Assembly and Haymarket Martyrs Memorial Resistance Rager (unpermitted)
Details to be announced. Check the #MayDay and #M1GS hashtags on Twitter up-to-the-moment info.

See below for more #M1NYC events all around the city…

* Call2Create: Participatory art, from prayer flags to a May Pole to filmmaking and photography
All day in Bryant Park, Union Square, and throughout NYC
Facebook – opportunities to submit a project or join oneemail

* 99 Picket Lines
8am – Chase Building (NYCC) – 270 Park Ave (@48th St)
8am – New York Times Building (UAW) – 620 8th Ave (@41st St)
8am – Sotheby’s (Teamsters) – 1334 York Ave (@72nd St)
8am-10am – US Post Office (Community-Labor Alliance) – 421 8th Ave (@W31st St)
8:30am-9am – NYU Bobst Library (NYU for OWS) – 70 Washington Square South (@University Pl)
9am – Paulson & Co (Strong Economy for All) – 1251 6th Ave (@50th St)
10am – Chase Branch (NYCC) – 401 Madison Ave (@48th St)
11am – ABC Studios (NABET-CWA) – 66th Street (@Columbus)
12pm-1:30pm – Investment Banker Stephen Berger (CSEA AFSCME) – 46th St @ Park Ave
12pm-2pm – Immigration Court (NMASS) – 26 Federal Plaza (Worth & Lafeyette)
1:30pm – Capital Grille (ROC-NY) – 155 E 42nd St (@3rd Ave)
2pm – Chase and Citibank (Occupy Sunset Park) – 5th Ave & 54th St (BROOKLYN)
3pm – Strand Bookstore (Strand workers) – 828 Broadway (@12th St)
3pm – Beth Israel Hospital (Workers United) – 10 Union Square East (14th St & Park Ave)
8pm – Washington Square Park Arch (Musicians 802) – Washington Square North @ 5th Ave

* A Brooklyn March for the General Strike (unpermitted)
8am, Maria Hernandez Park, Brooklyn
Strike Everywhere

* The Free University: Lectures, Workshops, Skill-Shares and Discussions
10am–3pm, Madison Square Park, Manhattan
The Free University

* High School Student Walkout Convergence & BBQ
12pm, Fort Greene Park, Brooklyn
Shout-out from Chuck D to Paul Robeson students

* Wildcat March (unpermitted)
1pm, Sara D. Roosevelt Park (East Houston St. & 2nd Ave.), Manhattan
Strike Everywhere

* Day Without Workers/Día sin los Trabajadores: May Day March and Speakout
2pm, 5th Ave. at 54th St. in Brooklyn, marching to 36th St & 4th Ave. to take subway at 3:30pm to Union Square rally in Manhattan
Occupy/Ocupemos Sunset Park

* May Day on D-Block: LES public housing residents and tenants take to the streets
2pm, Houston & Avenue D, Manhattan
Occupy Avenue D

* May Day Choir Convergence
5:15pm, Madison Square Park (in front of the fountain), Manhattan
Lyrics, Score and more information

* Occupy the Rent Guidelines Board: A Tenants’ General Assembly
5:30pm, 7 East 7th St. (outside Cooper Union), Manhattan
Real Rent Reform Campaign
Learn More

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2 Responses

  1. Poo says:

    Happily some people will work, parents probably. Someone has to pay for all this and keep things moving and livable. The imaginary 1% can’t carry the load for everyone. 48% of U.S. citizens pay no taxes at all. Who covers that? Has anyone heard of Europe? Money has never been more portable. It goes where it can profit. The 1% includes all your favorite athletes, actors and most of the successful professionals (doctors, lawyers, etc.) in the country. Fix your tax code. That would be a more worthwhile endeavor.
    I know. Tax the bejeezers out of the rich. Get rid of the army. Well, there just aren’t enough of the rich and we’re not big enough to protect you. Some terrorists were arrested in Cleveland today. We’d have missed that. Oops. Put it to a vote or a referendum. Anyway, the unrest and uncertainty creates no jobs, just overtime for police and other city workers. It also moves the money to more stable environments. I guess this is good for us. My pension is safe! Carry on and have fun. I guess I should be happy.
    Here we have students rioting in Quebec over a rise in fees to be spread out over 5 years. They have the lowest rates in Canada and, allowing for inflation, the rise will bring them to 1968 levels. I wouldn’t care except, due to transfer fees between the Federal Government and the Provinces I will pay for that. Sorry to make it about money but I am a pensioner. I put in my time. I like the lights to be on and roads to be in working order. Workers, not picketers, make that possible. They are working today, at least here they are.

  2. Poo says:

    Well, I was wrong. Apparently about 1,000 protesters wandered aimlessly about Toronto and those few that attempted to camp in a park were sent home. Lucky for them. Last fall so many left their tents empty at night that other ‘occupiers’ moved in. The original ‘Occupiers’ were forced to call, oh horrors, the police.
    Here is the cast of yesterday’s May Day supporters in Toronto as published: Afghans for Peace, CAMP Sis, Canadian Auto Workers Union, Casa Salvador Allende, Centre for Social Justice, Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid, Coalition Against Psychiatric Assault, Committee for the Defence of the Iranian Peoples Rights (Canada Organization), Committee of Progressive Pakistani-Canadians, Common Cause Toronto, Communist Party of Canada, DAMN, Food Not Bombs, Greater Toronto Workers’ Assembly, Health for All, International Council of Latin American and Caribbean Women in Canada, International Federation of Iranian Refugees, Iraqi Federation of Refugees in Canada, Indigenous Environmental Network, Indigenous Sovereignty and Solidarity Network, International League of People’s Struggles Canada, International Socialists, Justice for Migrant Workers, Latin American and Caribbean Solidarity Network, LATUC Ontario, Law Union of Ontario, Maggie’s: Toronto Sex Workers Action Project, Metro Toronto Labour Council, Mining Injustice Solidarity Network, Movement Defence Committee, Ontario Coalition Against Poverty, Ontario Federation of Labour, ProtestBarrick, Rhythms of Resistance, Students Against Israeli Apartheid – York, Socialist Project, Stop the Cuts, Toronto Bolivia Solidarity, Toronto New Socialists, Toronto Socialist Action, Trans Film Series, Tudeh Party of Iran – Canada Organization, United May Day Committee, United South Asians at York, Unity Against Unemployment in Iraq, Women’s Coordinating Committee for a Free Wallmapu [Toronto], Workers Action Centre, Workers Communist Party of Iran and more.
    I’m thinking that a common theme or even a name might be difficult to come up with.
    Meanwhile in Montreal 100 people were arrested as the students and whatever rabble had joined them rioted. May Day!
    So, all in all there was a May Day contrary to my original thoughts just not so much where I live. We’re north of the city with not much to do but we’re quiet about it.

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