Marché de la poésie bis

Here a little photo essay on the first two days of the Marché de la poésie weekend here on Place St Sulpice in Paris:

1) Editions PHI — my Luxembourg publisher’s — stand is set up & ready to do business:

2) But here’s the rain & the plastic covers come out. And that’s the way it was Friday: rain with some breaks during which a few rare sun rays were able to break the cloud cover.

3) Saturday: return of the sun. This is the stand of the French publisher Le Grand Souffle, which takes its name from the Reims 1920/30ies avant-garde group “Le Grand Jeu” — many of whose poets they do publish.

4) All the way from L.A., small press publisher & poet Guy Bennet prawls the stands.

5) And meets up with Quebecois poet Nicole Brossard.

More to come — it is Sunday morning now & the last days of the marché; the weather looks like a mix of the last two days.

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