Marché de la Poésie 2011

The pleasure of a sunny Paris weekend at the annual Marché de la Poésie on Place Saint Sulpice. The photo below taken on Friday afternoon, opening day. Haven’t been able to take any more as my iPhone decided to stop syncing with my laptop & until that little problem is solved, this will have to do.  Although the sun is bleaching out the books exhibited en premier plan, the humans behind the books are clearly recognizable as Korean artist Antic Ham, founding publisher of Editions PHI & presently publisher of Red Fox Press Francis Van Maele, and, front row, francophone Luxembourg-Italian poet Jean Portante, plus yours truly.

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2 Responses

  1. Poo says:

    Ah, “the pleasure of a sunny Paris weekend” and the worst that can happen is your iPhone decides to stop talking to your laptop. Will the madness never end? I’ll spare you the details of my rainy, sunless, non-Paris week-end. Enjoy !

  2. Just to say ‘hello’ ! It was a pleasure to meet – for once in a three-dimensional version. I’m looking forward to your 14th of June reading.

    best & sun in the meantime


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