Levi, Cohen, Joris, Djebar

To blow my own horn first, this morning: The ReadySteadyBook site just published a longish interview with me by Mark Thwaite. Check it out — & take a moment to check out the ReadySteadyBook blog, one of the most useful and informative literary blogs I know of. A couple days ago, it lead me to a fascinating piece by David Mendel on Primo Levi and translation.

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Raphael Rubinstein, the translator of Marcel Cohen’s book “In Search of a Lost Ladino” (which Cohen had first written in Ladino, and then translated into French) & on which I wrote on this blog on 16 January, (see also the review in the Brooklyn Rail by Nora Griffin) did a radio interview/reading on ABC Australia. You can listen to it here.

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& finally, Joyeux Anniversaire, Assia! — Assia Djebar turns 70 today. The Algerian novelist, essayist, poet, film director and first Maghrebian woman elected to the Académie Française, is being feasted in a rightly admiring article in the Neue Zuricher Zeitung this morning.

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1 Response

  1. Ad Blaster says:

    The real frightening thing about middle age is the knowledge that you’ll grow out of it “Doris Day”

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