In Memoriam Gulf BP Disaster 5 Years Ago



joint military operation

Iraqi American forces killed two senior al-Qaeda leaders

Abu Ayyub al-Masri, and Abu Omar al-Baghdadi

News broke explosion at 11 p.m. EST on BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil rig

safe house in Thar-Thar in the province of Salaheddin

umbrella group, Islamic State of Iraq

radical Sunni militant groups

General Raymond Odierno said significant blow to al-Qaeda

24 people killed 2 separate suicide bombing attacks in Peshawar

A schoolboy victim attacks take death toll to 73 in three days, after two blasts in the city of Kohat killed 49 people during the weekend

News broke an explosion occurred at 11 p.m. EST on BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico

A magnitude 5.2 earthquake hit Western Australian mining town

Kalgoorlie-Boulder this morning.

Long Island  teen guilty of murdering Ecuadorian immigrant Marcelo Lucero.

Toyota pays a record $16.4 million fine to the US government over allegations that the automaker concealed defects in its vehicles — sticky pedal

NATO service members died bomb attack army base southern Afghanistan.

death toll of foreign soldiers in 2010 to 166 in Afghanistan

McLaren driver Jenson Button won the Chinese Grand Prix

re-open the skies over Europe

ash from a volcano in Iceland

a high pressure here and a low pressure there

News broke that an explosion occurred at 11 p.m. EST on BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico southeast of Venice

the jet stream came down, spun around, & then went back up through the Straits of Gibraltar

amphibians, reptiles, mammals, bird and fish species

Remembering Columbine 11 years ago

celebrate National Park Week

largest subtropical wildnerness

showdown Senate financial reform

Zephyrs top Express in 11 innings

Today’s Money Word is deflation

BIG Oil Rig Explosion Off Louisiana Coast, 11 to 15 People Missing, Infernal Blaze

trust leaked away with the Tritium

bar NEPA analysis of climate change impact

Being fat is bad for your brain

erratic, potentially fatal heart rhythms defibrillator responsibility the Guidant Corporation

short-circuit and fail

“Nobody is being held accountable.”

Google criticized privacy practices

the privacy rights of the world’s citizens forgotten

stricter enforcement of title IX

Twain’s last words

Best Nonholiday Quarter for Apple

Taliban sniper fire lethality rates drop

Peter Steele “Life is killing me” is dead

no ban on animal cruelty videos

Off Louisiana Coast, 11 to 15 People Missing,

Statoil Committed to Oil Sands

Bush warcrimes on off broadway

Miami Condo Sales rise

Oil Rig Explosion  Infernal Blaze

boxer hangs himself in jail

Reds pitcher Volquez suspended

Tuesday, April 20

News broke that an explosion occurred at 11 p.m. EST

on BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico

52 miles southeast of the Louisiana port of Venice.

According to the Coast Guard, 11 to 15 crew members were reported missing

of the total 126 workers aboard the rig

at the time of the blast.


from my poem-sequence The Gulf (from Rigwreck to Disaster): A Triptych (Barzakh, Black Widow Press 2014). Image collage by Nicole Peyrafitte for multi-media performance of the piece.

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