Halloween Concert for Franz Kamin

These two videos of “Halloween Concert for Franz Kamin” were sent to me by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE whose notes state that this “was a memorial concert held at the Friends Meeting Hall in St Paul, MN, on October 30, 2010. Franz was a friend of mine since the 1970s whose writing, composing, & performance I’d championed since I 1st encountered a text of his at the Annual Avant-Garde Festival in New York in 1974. Franz died in a car crash on April 11, 2010 w/ his (& my) old friend & fellow composer James “Sarmad” Brody. This short documentary about the concert is part of a proposed modest no-budget doc about Franz that I’m in the midst of making. It’s broken here into 2 pts for the usual YouTube technical limitation reasons – for a change this isn’t so annoying b/c these parts are hereby made to correspond to the 2 halves of the concert. Additional footage is from a memorial brunch that was held the next day. I hope that a glimpse at this small-scale event can give you a taste of the love & enthusiasm that those of us who knew Franz & his work share. He was truly an astonishing original. “

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