Anselm Hollo (1934-2013)

Rest in Peace

Written 22 minutes ago by Jane Dalrymple-Hollo:
Paavo Anselm Alexis Hollo passed away peacefully at 10:30 this morning in the loving arms Kaarina, Tamsin, and Jane. It couldn’t have been more beautiful, more perfect. We are grateful. We are in awe.



missing one
makes one feel

(Anselm Hollo, Sojourner Microcosms)

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17 Responses

  1. Anselm .. Dear Anselm…. I always saw you as a quiet, peaceful and graceful man… My heart reaches out to you Dear Jane….remembering the days you strolled side by side on the Naropa University campus….Love to you Jane and Peace to you dear Anselm….

  2. Adam DeGraff says:

    Seven billion years before I was born
    I was an Iris.

    My roots
    drove themselves down
    into a star.

    On its dark waters
    my gigantic
    blue flower

  3. A great poet with a big heart and infectious laugh.

  4. Marc Nasdor says:

    Rest in Peace, Anselm. Peace to the family too. I remember first meeting Anselm in the 1970s in Baltimore. A true wise man and mensch.

  5. Jorge says:

    A great teacher (at Naropa), a great writer (his work and translations), plus a very funny, inimitable human being. He will be missed.
    My best to his family and immediate friends.

  6. Averil Paskow says:

    My deepest condolences to Jane and family. The world has lost a beautiful, generous soul. I know that I and all of this other students will never forget his wonderful teaching, humor, brilliance and guidance.

  7. Phil Smith says:

    Jane- I am so sorry to hear this sad news! I have always considered Anselm to be one of my mentor’s. His sense of poetry and poetics have informed me and continue to be a source of inspiration. I know the circle of poets in heaven is richer by one tonight! Rest In Peace my Friend!

  8. John parlato says:

    Jane – So sorry. Last saw you what? 7,8 years ago in NYC. Always liked Anselm. My heartfelt sympathy. Best- John

  9. Ruth says:

    You and Anselm live in my heart. Through a pin hole in my memory I see a galaxy of you two meeting and radiantly embracing life. I am so happy to have crossed paths with both of you. Love, Ruth

  10. Steve Hargrove says:

    I was blessed to have spent time with Anselm & Jane in Baltimore. Truly a sad day, yet one filled with thoughts of poetry & love.

  11. Dear Jane, Kaarina, and Tamsin: I’m remembering this morning a song I first heard sung by the folksinger Bob Gibson in Iowa City:

    “I don’t want no tears shed for me when I’m gone,
    Don’t want to hear no melancholy song,
    Don’t want no candles, but let the flowers stay–
    The girls can wear them in their hair
    When they see me on my way…”

  12. Susan Gossling Walters says:

    Oh my heart is still with the thought of Anselm passing on. I cherish the memories of those poetry charged years in Baltimore when the lives of many writers and artists intersected. My best wishes and heartfelt condolences to you dear Jane, and to his family, his friends and everyone who enjoyed his words. Peace, Susan

  13. bonnie bonnell says:

    So sorry to hear of this Jane. Hope you are well yourself. My best to you.

  14. Gayle Hanson says:

    Crazy wisdom dharma poet and bright light, thank you for helping point me in the right direction. Peace and light to you Jane, and all family and friends.

  15. Peter Money says:

    I never did meet Anselm but friends from Naropa spoke so warmly of him. I always felt his affinities in kinship & felt if we were to meet we’d be friends. He’s “in” one of my poems, “String Version”–an older poem I still see as vital to me personally. The poem would not exist without Anselm Hollo and his terribly emotive candid line that knots the throat for several moments.

    “At home I listen to the music & read/ Anselm Hollo’s words about it:/ ‘stop, dear mozart: you’re making me cry.”

    I love that line. Even if it knots the throat. We return to the gift of it.

  16. Patty Waldman says:

    Dear Jane – I was flooded with memories when I learned of Anselm’s passing. All good memories, of poetry readings and Anselm’s laugh and a lovely wedding in a quaint house in Baltimore. I send my condolences and my prayers that you find warmth in your own memories and the love of your family and that Anselm finds peace ever after. Peace adn love, Patty Waldman

  17. JoukoSalonen says:

    Pilvet vaelsivat ylitseni / niin kuin unet jotka näin lapsena / niin kuin päivät jotka olin elänyt.

    Pilvet vaelsivat ylitseni / Ja tuuli kävi ja hajotti ne. / Enkä nähnyt niitä enää.

    Clouds slowly glide above my head / like the dreams I saw as a child / like the days I lived /

    Clouds glide slowly above my head / But then the wind came and disembodied them / And I did not see them after that

    Katri Vala, Helsinki

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