An interesting Poetics Booklist for Late Shoppers…

…via Amazon —  Happy hols, i.e. good reading…

Essential Guides to Contemporary Poetics

A Listmania! list by Katerina Varga (Montreal, Canada)

The Material of Poetry: Sketches for a Philosophical Poetics (Georgia Southern University Jack N. and Addie D. Averitt Lecture Series)
1.  The Material of Poetry: Sketches for a Philosophical Poetics (Georgia Southern University Jack N. and Addie D. Averitt Lecture Series) by Gerald L. Bruns
$26.95   Used & New from: $16.91

Disjunctive Poetics: From Gertrude Stein and Louis Zukofsky to Susan Howe (Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture)
2.  Disjunctive Poetics: From Gertrude Stein and Louis Zukofsky to Susan Howe (Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture) by Peter Quartermain
$99.00   Used & New from: $67.98

Poet's Prose: The Crisis in American Verse (Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture)
3.  Poet’s Prose: The Crisis in American Verse (Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture) by Stephen Fredman
$39.99   Used & New from: $33.36
3.5 out of 5 stars See all reviews (2 customer reviews)

Differentials: Poetry, Poetics, Pedagogy (Modern & Contemporary Poetics)
4.  Differentials: Poetry, Poetics, Pedagogy (Modern & Contemporary Poetics) by Marjorie Perloff
$29.95   Used & New from: $19.29
5.0 out of 5 stars See all reviews (1 customer review)

Poetry as Experience (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)
5.  Poetry as Experience (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics) by Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe
$18.85   Used & New from: $14.00

Sovereignties in Question: The Poetics of Paul Celan (Perspectives in Continental Philosophy)
6.  Sovereignties in Question: The Poetics of Paul Celan (Perspectives in Continental Philosophy) by Jacques Derrida
$19.54   Used & New from: $13.90
5.0 out of 5 stars See all reviews (1 customer review)

Poetics of Singularity: The Counter-Culturalist Turn in Heidegger, Derrida, Blanchot, and the later Gadamer (Frontiers of Theory)
7.  Poetics of Singularity: The Counter-Culturalist Turn in Heidegger, Derrida, Blanchot, and the later Gadamer (Frontiers of Theory) by Timothy Clark
$120.00   Used & New from: $61.45

The Singularity of Literature
8.  The Singularity of Literature by Derek Attridge
$28.95   Used & New from: $12.50
3.0 out of 5 stars See all reviews (1 customer review)

Ellipsis: Of Poetry and the Experience of Language After Heidegger, Hölderlin, and Blanchot (Suny Series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy)
9.  Ellipsis: Of Poetry and the Experience of Language After Heidegger, Hölderlin, and Blanchot (Suny Series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy) by William S. Allen
$21.95   Used & New from: $21.94

A Poetics
10.  A Poetics by Charles Bernstein
$24.47   Used & New from: $15.90
5.0 out of 5 stars See all reviews (2 customer reviews)

The Tapeworm Foundry: andor the dangerous prevalence of imagination
11.  The Tapeworm Foundry: andor the dangerous prevalence of imagination by Darren Wershler-Henry

SpecLab: Digital Aesthetics and Projects in Speculative Computing
12.  SpecLab: Digital Aesthetics and Projects in Speculative Computing by Johanna Drucker
$25.00   Used & New from: $17.00

A Nomad Poetics: Essays
13.  A Nomad Poetics: Essays by Pierre Joris
$14.00   Used & New from: $11.67
5.0 out of 5 stars See all reviews (1 customer review)

Dissonance (if you are interested) (Modern & Contemporary Poetics)
14.  Dissonance (if you are interested) (Modern & Contemporary Poetics) by Rosmarie Waldrop
$39.95   Used & New from: $21.68

Impersonal Passion: Language as Affect
15.  Impersonal Passion: Language as Affect by Denise Riley
$56.20   Used & New from: $31.27
5.0 out of 5 stars See all reviews (1 customer review)

Deleuze and Language
16.  Deleuze and Language by Jean-Jacques Lecercle
3.5 out of 5 stars See all reviews (2 customer reviews)

Oulipo Compendium
17.  Oulipo Compendium by Harry Matthews
5.0 out of 5 stars See all reviews (8 customer reviews)

Lyrical And Ethical Subjects: Essays on the Periphery of the Word, Freedom, And History (Suny Series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy)
18.  Lyrical And Ethical Subjects: Essays on the Periphery of the Word, Freedom, And History (Suny Series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy) by Dennis J. Schmidt
$31.95   Used & New from: $14.75

Heidegger, Hölderlin, and the Subject of Poetic Language: Toward a New Poetics of Dasein (Perspectives in Continental Philosophy)
19.  Heidegger, Hölderlin, and the Subject of Poetic Language: Toward a New Poetics of Dasein (Perspectives in Continental Philosophy) by Jennifer Anna Gosetti-Ferencei
$24.00   Used & New from: $20.22

The Language of Inquiry
20.  The Language of Inquiry by Lyn Hejinian
$22.32   Used & New from: $11.50
4.0 out of 5 stars See all reviews (1 customer review)

American Poets in the 21st Century: The New Poetics (Wesleyan Poetry)
21.  American Poets in the 21st Century: The New Poetics (Wesleyan Poetry) by Claudia Rankine
$21.86   Used & New from: $10.70
4.0 out of 5 stars See all reviews (3 customer reviews)

Prior to Meaning: The Protosemantic and Poetics (Avant-Garde & Modernism Studies)
22.  Prior to Meaning: The Protosemantic and Poetics (Avant-Garde & Modernism Studies) by Steve McCaffery
$29.95   Used & New from: $25.00
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