Adieu Paris — Phinal Photos

& here the last snapshots from the Marché de la Poésie:

Castor Astral publisher & recent Janis Joplin French bio-book author Jean-Yves Reuzeau

Eric Sarner — poet, docu-film maker, translator (most recently my ALJIBAR) — with his grandson

Jean-Pierre Faye: poet, editor (CHANGE magazine, one of the essential 70ies French magazines) & philosopher (his Langages Totalitaires, one of the great linguistic & cultural analyses of the rise of fascistic language in Germany, is still in dire need of an English translation — as is most of his poetry). Here at a book-signing table.

Abdelwahab Meddeb, the Tunisian poet & essayist, as we sit on the terrace of the Café de la Mairie, discussing the sad fact that his superb book-length essay The Malady of Islam (translated by Charlotte Mandell Kelly & myself) never got any attention in the US while it was a major success almost everywhere else in the world.

& finally, Cole Swensen, in animated discussion — which was the mode we were all in for the three days of the 2007 mouture of the Marché de la poésie
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3 Responses

  1. Paul says:

    Well considering the tumult that is engulfing Islam I understand why M. Meddeb may not have a huge reception in the USA. If the Frensh like him c’est la vie.

  2. Pierre Joris says:

    And it is exactly that kind of response that is the problem with cocksure gringos. If you want to give an informed comment, please read the book first.

  3. Paul says:

    What makes you think that I have not read the book sir? As to your aspersion,I reject it categorically! I am Eurasian.

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