Nomadic Travels and Travails with Alice Notley and Pierre Joris
Université Libre de Bruxelles, International Poetry Lab 2013
Moving Back and Forth between Poetry and / as Translation
Nomadic Travels and Travails with Alice Notley and Pierre Joris
A two-day International Poetry Seminar with Alice Notley and Pierre Joris as keynote speakers.
THURSDAY, 7 November 2013
REGISTRATION opens at 9:00 am
9:30 – 9:45 Poetry Lab OPENING
9:45 – 10:45 KEYNOTE lecture by PIERRE JORIS (poet & translator, University at Albany, USA):
“A Nomad Poetics Revisited: Poetry and Translation in a Global Age”
10:45 – 11:00 COFFEE
11:00 – 13:00 First Panel Session:
Translating Nomadics: Criss-Crossing between Impure Translation and Pure Hybridity
- BAETENS, Jan (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium): “A Praise of Hybrid Purity”
- VAN DER BENT, Jaap (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, The Netherlands): “‘My Life without Me’: The Impure Translations of Armand Robin”
- BAKAITIS, Vyt (poet and translator, USA): “Baggage Carried On: Links of translation between Mandelstam and Celan, Celan and Joris”
- EECKHOUT, Bart (Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium): “Stevens, Claus, Shelley, Coetzee: A Nomadic Case Study about Poetic Translations and Cultural Transformations”
13:00 – 14:15 SANDWICH LUNCH
14:15 – 16:15 Second Panel Session:
The Nomadics of Dissent: Transforming Poetic Space and Mythical Place
- HILSON, Jeff (University of Roehampton, UK): “‘How am I moving?’ Alice Notley’s Sonnets and Nomadic Form”
- HAWTHORN, Ruth (University of Glasgow, UK): “‘Is that him dead or is that me?’: Alice Notley’s ‘disobedient’ elegiac mode”
- HIX, Harvey (University of Wyoming, USA): “Alette Against the Sons-of-Bitches”
- BROQUA, Vincent (Université de Paris Est, France): “The Counter-Poetics of Foreignness in Alice Notley’s Disobedience“
16:15 – 16:30 COFFEE
16:30 – 18:30 Third Panel Session:
Fertile Chaos and Redemption: Conceptual Drift and Drifting Concepts
- NIEUWLAND, Jeroen (Charles University, Prague/Berlin, Czech Republic/Germany): “No(n-)mad Poetics: Immanent Ethics of Conceptual Framings of the World”
- LYONS, Kimberly (poet and publisher, USA): “‘something unknown/ a self that is not the one I know’: Reading Redemption in the Poetics of Pierre Joris and Alice Notley”
- KONYALIAN-GRENIER, Arpine (poet, USA): “If It Weren’t for Love, Weren’t for Ethics, We Say, Spawned and Sired as if, at the Concession Stand, Cured of Speech”
- PEKOVA, Olga (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic): “Survival of the Nomadic I in the ‘Post-Human’ Era: A me by Ondřej Buddeus”
18:30 – 20:00 Evening Break & DINNER
FRIDAY, 8 November 2013
REGISTRATION opens at 9:15 am
10:00 – 11:00 KEYNOTE Lecture by ALICE NOTLEY (poet, USA):
“The No Poetics: The Woman Who Counted Crossties”
11:00 – 11:15 COFFEE
11:15 – 12:45 Fourth Panel Session:
Broken Continuum and Reinvigorated Multiplicities: The Nomadics of Collective Being
- SKOULDING, Zoë (Bangor University, UK): “‘& in ongoingness’ ‘of voices’: speech, song and citation in the poetry of Alice Notley and Pierre Joris”
- DICK, Jennifer K. (Université de Haute Alsace, France): “Character and Allegory in Pierre Joris and Alice Notley’s Writing—Reading as a Nomadic Experience”
- TARLO, Harriet (Sheffield Hallam University, UK): ““We are all in need of becoming archeologists of the morning after”: the implications of Pierre Joris’s nomadic poetics in, of and for the open field of ecopoetics”
12:45 – 14:00 SANDWICH LUNCH
14:00 – 15:30 Fifth Panel Session:
New York and Beyond: Nomadic Moving between Media New and Old
- CARO, Jean-François & Camille PAGEARD (critics and publishers, France & Belgium): “Public Access Poetry, between Social Relationships and TV Performativity”
- WATTS, Carol (Birkbeck College, University of London, UK): “‘Hold it on Inquiry:’ Moving from Descent of Alette to Songs and Stories of the Ghouls“
- KANE, Daniel (University of Sussex, UK): “Translating New York School Poetry into Punk Rock”
15:30 – 15:45 COFFEE
15:45 – 18:00 Sixth Panel Session:
Nomadic “Neglectorinos”: Remapping Reading Grids
- BOSCHMAN, Robert (Mount Royal University, Canada): “Fwd: Urgent Email for Wystan and Louis re. Iceland 2013: The Melting Moment of a Stinted Age”
- SØRENSEN, Bent (Aalborg University, Denmark): “Migrating the Light: Creating American Versions of Lucian Blaga’s Poetry from Impure German, French and Danish Translations”
- VENIT, James (poet, Belgium & USA): “The Transgressive Nature of Poetry – Some Reflections on Creative Reading and Writing”
- BELLARSI, Franca (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium): “From Romantic Tree to Romantic Rhyzome: the ‘Proto-Nomadic’ Poetics of Blake and Keats.”
- COCKELBERGH, Peter (poet, independent scholar and translator, Belgium): “Towards A Nomadic Scholarship: Moving Back and Forth between Alice Notley and Pierre Joris”
18:00 – 18:10 CLOSING REMARKS
18:10 – 18:30 LAST POETIC WORD to Alice NOTLEY and Pierre JORIS
followed by
19:45 “VERRE DE L’AMITIE” and BANQUET DINNER for all speakers
Sheesh! I could get my 4-5 miles a day in just following you 2 around.