… y mas of the past (week)
…being continued… on Friday HT & I embarked our friend Karim Bourghathi & drove in nasty rain & wind to Philly for the obligatory visit to the Duchamp & Cy Twombly rooms at the museum. Then back for final sessions & banquet. We had to get back to NYC on Saturday morning, so unhappily had to miss Karim’s paper on Edward Said & Freud.

Habib Tengour & Palestinian philosopher Karim Barghouthi in front of Museum of Art in Philly

again, from a different angle...
Got back to the city okay, & were down at BPC at four for the Segue reading. I had left my camera in the car, so couldn’t take photos of Jennifer Bartlett who gave an amazing reading (liked the poems she read from her just-published book, but was even more impressed by the new sequence “Husband” she read from — & which will appear in the next issue of New American Writing). The second reader was Ron Silliman & I remembered my phone camera, so here are a couple shots — excuse the low quality of the photography.

Back in NYC & BPC, Ron Silliman's clearly floored by Tim Peterson's introduction...
But he did get up quickly & gave a full-blast reading of the “R®” section of The Alphabet — a text I found very engaging & amazingly lyrical.

Ron Silliman reading from The Alphabet
I will post more talkative media of some of the events in the next few days — at ther latest over the weekend.
Terrific photos, Pierre! It was fun to see you and Nicole at the event.