I would like to share with you the following news:
Yesterday a special protest event was held in Tel Aviv – the death procession in which thousands of Arab and Jews participated for the first time as they marched together from Ha-Bima (the national theater) square to Tel-Aviv Museum. In the square, 140 coffins were placed in memory of the Arab victims murdered by Arabs (Arab mafia, criminals, violent husbands) from the beginning of this year. We were protesting against the government’s unbearable indifference towards our Arab citizens, against the Israeli police’s loss of control and against the despicable minister of police, the terrorist, Ben Gvir, for the deliberate neglect. The bereaved families marched first with the pictures of the victims and behind them the supporters from the protest movement. Here is a short video from this moving event (credit Bokra net). This sad protest ceremony aroused new hope for a better future for a Jewish-Arab coexistence:
And here, for those of you who did not read the NYT interview with the beautiful and brave leader, Shikma Bressler, a professor of Physics from Weizmann Institute, a mother of 5 daughters – she should be our next prime minister! In fact many strong and inspirational women from all fields take the lead in this huge and amazing protest movement:
With love,
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