Taylor Mead (1924-2013)

So it was the “full blown stroke” that got you, Taylor — I rather think it was the landlord, or even going to Colorado that did the job. I know it wasn’t that other thing, the memory thing, because you told me yourself at your last New Year’s Day Reading at St. Marks Poetry Project, as you were worried about someone going up before you, & as I was helping you up the steps, that you were okay, only had a Halfsheimer, no need to worry… — Travel well, my favorite travelo, & I can’t wait for the next installment of your poem-memoirs, probably to be called “Taylor Mead On Amphetamine and in Paradise.”


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2 Responses

  1. Thank you for this – very touching. We are all so sad about the passing of Taylor mead but pleased that so many people are celebrating him

    I have used your quote, editing slightly so it would fit into Twitter


    Thank you and regards

    Sam Chamberlain


  2. Patti Astor says:

    Taylor taught all us little punks from CBGB’s what a real “New York City Star” was.
    Heartbroken, Patti Astor

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