Save the New York Public Library

Here are the latest news from the Committee to Save the New York Public Library:

Dear friend,

The Committee to Save the New York Public Library has just issued “The NYPL Strikes Out,” a point-by-point refutation of claims made by the New York Public Library administration’s document: “Setting the Record Straight.” The NYPL distributed this document to its Trustees at the May 8th Trustees meeting, and also handed it out to participants in our rally outside the meeting.

To see both the Library’s document and our reply, please go to

The Library’s document is a response to “The Truth About the Central Library Plan,” our analysis of the NYPL’s plan to gut the 42nd Street Library and sell the Mid-Manhattan Library and Science, Industry and Business Library. Unfortunately, the NYPL’s response provides no new information and simply relies on the same unsubstantiated generalizations and half-truths that the Library has previously used to defend the plan. It fails even to address any of the facts we cite in our study.

The fact that the NYPL is unable  to provide hard  numbers to support the Central Library Plan provides yet more evidence that we need an independent analysis of both the plan and its less destructive (and more efficient) alternatives.  Please read “The NYPL Strikes Out” for all the details!

The Committee to Save the New York Public Library calls for a halt to the Central Library Plan (CLP).  The plan would cost $350 million ($150 million of which would come from New York City taxpayers) and irreparably damage the 42nd Street Research Library – one of the world’s great reference libraries and a city, state, and national historic landmark. The CLP also calls for the sale of the Mid-Manhattan Library at 40th and Fifth Avenue, the most heavily used library in the city.  The NYPL administration plans to demolish the 42nd Street Library’s historic seven-story book stacks, install a circulating library in their place, and displace 1.5 million books to central New Jersey.  The new circulating library would replace the Mid-Manhattan Library and the Science, Industry and Business Library (at 34th and Madison), despite being less than one-third the size of the two existing libraries.

For more information, see

Thank you for your support!

The Committee to Save the New York Public Library
232 East 11th Street
New York, NY 10003

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