Poetry Project Annual Marathon Reading

dec. 20, 2012

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Dear Friends of The Poetry Project,
The Poetry Project office will be closed for the holidays beginning tomorrow, Friday, December 21, and will reopen again on Friday, December 29. There are no events scheduled for next week, but we will return with restored gusto on 1/1/2013 for our largest benefit of the year, the 39th Annual New Year’s Day Marathon Reading (see below for more details!).We are thrilled to announce (drum roll, please) Marlan Sigelman as the winner of The Poetry Project’s first-ever “Win the Artistic Director’s Lucky Reading Spot Contest.” Marlan will have the unique honor of reading the very last poem of the 39th Annual New Year’s Day Marathon Reading.

Happy holidays,
The Poetry ProjectComing up at The Poetry Project

The 39th Annual New Year’s Day Marathon Reading
There are three things to consider when the New Year’s Day Poetry Marathon sweeps you into its gracefully uncouth embrace — what it is, what it was, and who you will be when it’s over. A benefit that is also a transformative experience for artist and audience, with: Adeena Karasick, Andrew Boston, Anna Dunn, Anne Tardos, Anne Waldman with Ambrose Bye & Devin Waldman,  Anselm Berrigan, Aria Boutet, Ariel Goldberg, Arlo Quint, Arthur’s Landing, Avram Fefer, Beth Gill, Betsy Fagin, Bill Kushner, Bob Holman, Bob Rosenthal, Bobby Previte, Brenda Coultas, Brenda Iijima, Brett Price, Bruce Andrews & Sally Silvers, CA Conrad, Camille Rankine, Carley Moore, Carol Mirakove, Charles Bernstein, Christine Elmo, Church of Betty, Clarinda Mac Low, Cliff Fyman, Corrine Fitzpatrick, Dael Orlandersmith, David Henderson, David Vogen, Dawn Lundy Martin, Denize Lauture, Diana Hamilton, Don Yorty, Douglas Dunn, Douglas Piccinnini, Douglas Rothschild, Dynasty Handbag, E. Tracy Grinnell, Ed Friedman, Edgar Oliver, Edmund Berrigan, Edwin Torres, Eileen Myles, Elinor Nauen, Elizabeth Devlin, Elliott Sharp with Tracie Morris, Emily XYZ, Erica Hunt & Marty Ehrlich, Ernie Brooks & Peter Zummo, Ethan Fugate, Filip Marinovich, Foamola, Frank Sherlock, Gordon Gano, Jackie Clark, Jamie Townsend, Jason Hwang, Jen Benka, Jennifer Bartlett, Jennifer Firestone, Jennifer Miller, Jennifer Nelson, Jeremy Hoevenaar, Jessica Fiorini, Jim Behrle, Joe Ranono, John Coletti, John Giorno, Jon Glaser, Jonas Mekas, Josef Kaplan, Judah Rubin, Judith Malina, Julian T. Brolaski, Khadijah Queen, Karen Weiser, Katy Lederer, Ken Chen, Kristin Prevallet, Larissa Shmailo, LaTasha N. Nevada Diggs, Laura Elrick, Laura Henriksen, Laurie Weeks, Lee Ranaldo, Lenny Kaye, Leopoldine Core, Lewis Warsh, Litia Perta, Lynn Behrendt, Lynn Crawford, LZ Hansen, Macgregor Card, Maggie Estep, Marc Nasdor, Marcella Durand, Martine Bellen, Matt Longabucco, Erica Kaufman & Nicole Eisenman, Nina Freeman, Matthew Pennock, Mike DeCapite, Murat Nemet-Nejat, Nathaniel Otting, Nathaniel Siegel, Nick Hallett, Nicole Peyrafitte, Nicole Wallace, Nurit Tilles, Patricia Spears Jones, Peter Milne Greiner, Pierre Joris, Poez, Rachel Levitsky, Rangi McNeil, Reuben Butchart, Ricardo Maldonado, Rodrigo Toscano, Sarah Sarai, Secret Orchestra, Serena Jost & Dan Machlin, Simone White, Steve Earle, Steven Taylor, Steven Zultanski, Sue Landers, Suzanne Vega, Tammy Faye Starlight, Taylor Mead, Ted Greenwald, Tim/Trace Peterson, Tony Towle, Tracey McTague, Tracie Morris, Uche Nduka, Vyt Bakaitis, Will Edmiston, Will Yackulic, Yoshiko Chuma, Youmna Chlala, Yvonne Meier and others TBA.
Admission (at door only): $20, $15 for students and seniors, and $10 for Poetry Project members.
Our impromptu bookstore will feature books and publications kindly donated by Burning Deck, Coffee House Press, Pressed Wafer, O Books, Litmus Press, Wave Books, Straw Gate, City Lights, Futurepoem, Ugly Duckling Presse, United Artists, Belladonna*, Susan Mills, Douglas Piccinnini, Alan Davies, Mike DeCapite and Joel Lewis.
We’ll also be serving up delicious food and beverages generously donated by Two Boots Pizza, Porto Rico Importing Company, Veselka, S’MAC, Grandaisy Bakery, Gillian McCain, Mariana Ruiz Firmat, Nicole Peyrafitte, Dael Orlandersmith and Bob Rosenthal & Don Yorty.
Beer has been lovingly provided by Brooklyn Brewery for this event!

The Poetry Project’s programs are supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council.

The Poetry Project’s programs and publications are made possible, in part, with public funds from The National Endowment for the Arts.

The Poetry Project’s programming is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.
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For a brief and illistrated chronical of the life and times of The Poetry Project, check out Insane Podium.

The Poetry Project Oral History Project

Admission is $8 / $7 for students & seniors / $5 or FREE for members

Memberships at $95 or higher get in FREE to all regular readings.

We are wheelchair accessible with assistance & advance notice. For more info call 212-674-0910.

The Poetry Project, Ltd.

St. Mark’s Church | 131 E. 10th Street

New York, NY 10003
P: 212.674.0910 | F: 212.529.2318
www.poetryproject.org | info@poetryproject.org


Copyright (C) 2012 The Poetry Project All rights reserved.


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