Paris Reading X 3

June 14th: Pierre Joris, Sylvia Mae Gorelick and Miles Joris-Peyrafitte

19h15, 14th June, Bar Long Island, 47 rue Washington, M George V.

Pierre Joris’ most recent publications are his translation of The Meridian: Final Version—Draſts—Materials by Paul Celan. (Stanford U.P. 2011),Canto Diurno #4: The Tang Extending from the Blade (poems) as a 2010 Ahadada eBook, Justifying the Margins: Essays 1990-2006 and Aljibar I &II (poems). He is working with Habib Tengour on Diwan Iffrikya: An Anthology of North African Writings from Prehistory to Today, to be published in 2012 by University of California Press. Later this year Chax Press will bring out the complete Mediations on the Stations of Mansur al-Hallaj (poems).

Sylvia Mae Gorelick is a poet and student of philosophy at Bard College. She is originally from Manhattan. She has several chapbooks including Seven Poems for Bill Berkson and Violation Number 10408 with Miles Joris-Peyrafitte and Tamas Panitz. She is interested in developing new forms of writing.

Miles Joris-Peyrafitte was born in upstate New York but spent his youth traveling with his family. Throughout high school Miles wrote, acted, and played music. Now he is attending Bard College hoping to major in Film & Writing. He has studied with Michael Ives, and now with Robert Kelly. He is the bands St. Jacques as well as Dr. Skinnybones. Earlier this year Miles (along with Sylvia Mae Gorelick and Tamas Panitz) printed a joint chap book entitled Violation #10408.

There are sample poems linked from the bios of each poet here.

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1 Response

  1. Poo says:

    Ah yes, yet another gathering of the clan that I shall miss, in more ways than one. Enjoy. Upon reading the poems provided, I am thinking the rose that is a tulip is a sea anemone. Kind of goes with the tanker?

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