Paris, Marché de la Poésie

Friday was the first full day of this year’s Paris Marché de la poésie. (Here is the program for the event, should you be in Paris this weekend, or just want to gloat). It included on its first day a reception at the Luxembourg publisher PHI’s stand for the new books published for the occasion (with much excellent Luxembourg white wine flowing). Here’s a small photo gallery of the late-afternoon fun:
The poster for Editions PHI’s new publications

Some of the new books in the graPHIti poetry series

Poets Jean-Claude Villain (France), Mohammed El-Amraoui (Morocco), Habib Tengour (Algeria)

Two of the PHI autors with new books: Nicole Brossard & Pierre Joris

A visitor to the stand who turns out to be Romanian poet & writer Daniela Hurezanu,
companion of my old friend the US poet & translator Stephen Kessler.

The Luxembourg poet Jean Portante, editor of the graPHIti series.

Nicole Brossard as photographer, with Portuguese poet Rosa Alice Branco on the right.

French poet, film-maker & translator (of 3 of my books, among others) Eric Sarner,
who recently moved to Montevideo — a sort of Lautréamont in reverse.

My excellent friend, the Luxembourg writer Lambert Schlechter,
pointing out something to Chilean poet Luis Mizon.

More soon, the battery of my camera is freshly recharged, and I’m ready to get back to the Place Saint Sulpice for more immersion in emergent & other poets.

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No Responses

  1. Antoine Cassar says:

    Wish I could have been there! I live in Luxembourg but couldn’t make it to Paris this time round as I’m moving house.

    I see Jean Portante is wearing his characteristic red scarf, as usual 🙂

    Phi’s publications are very professional and attractive. It was a pleasant surprise a couple of weeks ago to see a number of Phi poetry books on display in the Ernster shop window near Place Guillaume. It´s not often you see poetry collections on display in a shop window (unless of course it´s an Édition Pléiade).

    I bought your book “Nomad Poetics” a while ago and I look forward to reading it. I came across it whilst searching for essays and thought on multilingual poetry.

    Kind regards

    Antoine Cassar

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