Ody Roos’ Homage to Chris Marker

On the way back to NYC from the Pyrenees we stopped over in Paris for two days & spent a fair amount of time with my old friend, the Luxembourgian film maker Ody Roos. Talk of course went immediately to the sad news of his friend Chris Marker’s death — then Ody pulled a thumbdrive from his pocket & handed it to me. It contained an homage video he had put together on/at the funeral. He couldn’t put the whole thing up on Youtube as he had projected, because of objections by some of the included persons, but allowed Nicole & me to extract the scenes in which he talks about Marker’s art. We subtitled them & here it is:

Homage to Chris Marker from Tawil Productions on Vimeo.

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1 Response

  1. George Life says:

    A very touching tribute – thank you for posting it.

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