Israel’s Democracy in Danger — The March to Jerusalem

We just received the following letter & videos from our friend Vered Lev Keenan, & feel that this information needs to be made more public in this country:

Dear Friends,

For Twenty Nine weeks hundreds of thousands of Israelis are fighting to stop the anti-democratic legislation that the most extremist Israeli government initiated. The government under Netanyahu is doing anything it can to intensify the split in our society using violent forces against the protesters and encouraging their supporters to use violence. We, the protesting side against the juridical reform, continue to be non violent sticking to civil disobedience only. Next week we face a vote for canceling the legal standard of reasonableness. This vote is only the first move the government makes towards dictatorship. Canceling the legal standard of reasonableness will help the government to reduce the ways in which the Supreme Court can overrule the government. On Tuesday the leaders of the protest, among them Shikma Bressler, a professor of Physics from Weizmann Institute, an amazing woman, began to march last Tuesday from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem with more than 50,000 people from all over the country. Every hour more people join them. They are camping outdoors receiving supplies of food and water from the people who live nearby. Tonight they will arrive at the Knesset, the Israeli Parliament in Jerusalem. More and more people will join them during Sunday and Monday. I attach two videos from the march.
Best Wishes,
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