Happy 80th Michael McClure!

(Peg Skorpinski photos)

Paul Nelson has a nice tribute for Michael McClure on his 80th b-day on his site. Opening paras here; the whole shebang here.


by  on OCTOBER 19, 2012 · LEAVE A COMMENT

Michael McClure turns 80 today, October 20, 2012. A leading USAmerican poet, playwright, essayist and novelist, he was born in Kansas, but spent some of his formative years in Seattle and is considered a Black Mountain poet, a Beat poet and a poet of the San Francisco Renaissance. It was not long after I moved to Auburn, Washington, that a new book of his appeared in the mailbox. It was Three Poems. I had no idea at the time that the book would radically affect my life, but I did know that he was someone I wanted to interview. The book was sent to me because I was an interviewer and was on the media lists of publishers. I had interviewed Allen Ginsberg the previous year, 1994 and it might have been the Ray Manzarek connection or the Ginsberg/Beat poet connection that made me say yes to the interview opportunity, but it was set for October 1995.
[ctd. here

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1 Response

  1. Paul Nelson says:

    Pierre, Thanks for re-posting this. Many blessings, Paul

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