Further News re Pessoa

Just as I was swooning over my long lost summer & posting Miles’ photo of Pessoa & me, I came across the information below. Been waiting for Chris Daniel’s translations in particular for some time now:

Available, and in a couple of cases before the end of the month are the following titles from Shearsman Books:

Fernando Pessoa: The Collected Poems of Alberto Caeiro
translated by Chris Daniels.

The first complete edition of one of Pessoa’s heteronyms in English.

The only integral collection of the Caeiro heteronym in English, this is accompanied by the introductions of Ricardo Reis and a memoir by Álvaro de Campos, two of Pessoa’s other major poetic heteronyms, as well as a poem dedicated to Caeiro by C. Pacheco, thought by many commentators to be another one-off heteronym. Illustrating the complexity of Pessoa’s heteronymic project still further, the volume also includes an anonymous introductory note, a further introduction to the ‘author’s’ work by Thomas Crosse (one of Pessoa’s English heteronyms), and an ‘interview with Caeiro’, recorded by Campos. In short, much of Pessoa’s heteronymic world is on view in this volume.


Fernando Pessoa: Message
translated by Jonathan Griffin.

Second edition of the mid-90s Menard publication. Bilingual, and the only complete edition of Message available in English.


Fernando Pessoa: Selected English Poems
edited by Tony Frazer

Pessoa wrote a large number of poems in English, some of them in the guise of early heteronyms (such as Alexander Search and C R Anon) which prove to be fascinating precursors of the later, modernist work in Portuguese. While not the equal of the masterly Caeiro, Campos, Reis or Pessoa-himself, these poems deserve to be better known and at least available in the English-speaking world.

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1 Response

  1. Sheila Murphy says:

    Glad you are back, and thanks for the reference to these important Shearsman titles. Wish I could have heard you last night!

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