Pierre Joris' Meanderings & mawqifs of poetry, poetics, translations y mas. Travelogue too.
Events Calendar
On The Road with PJ
Winter 2017
Sun. Feb. 19, at 7p.m.
Boog City 10.5 festival
Pierre Joris & Nicole Peyrafitte perform extracts of THE AGONY OF I.B. A 3-act play by Pierre Joris Sidewalk Café
94 Ave. A, at E. 6th St., Manhattan
Thursday February 9, 2017
AWP 2017
10:30-11:45 a.m.
Room 208AB,Level Two, Walter E. Washington Convention Center,
801 Mt. Vernon Place NW, Washington DC 20001
Kunga Tenzin Dorji, Shanta Acharya, Harsha Dahejia, Pierre Jorris moderated by Keki Daruwallah
A daily series of multivocal poetry readings featuring writers from around the world.
Different languages, rhythms and poetic styles converge in a joyous celebration of the poetic imagination.
January 23rd
In Many Tongues: Voices from Mauritius, Iceland, Brazil, Latvia, Luxembourg, Croatia, Macedonia Issa Asgarally, Audur Ava Olafsdottir, Angelica Freitas, Inga Zolude, Pierre Joris, Roman Simic, Rumena Buzarovka introduced by Alexander Buchler
We inhabit a polyphonic world where many languages and literature flourish. Globalization, technology, migration and the impact of diasporic ‘travelling tongues’ make these increasingly accessible to each other.
Yet, the phenomenon of dominant languages and monolinguistic attitudes threaten to flatten out the delightful diversity
and plurality of the ways in which we speak and write.
A session that celebrates the spoken word and writers all the way from Mauritius, Iceland, Brazil, Latvia, Luxembourg, Croatia and Macedonia.
January 6 2017
Friday, 6 January 10:15-11:30 a.m.
session 261
Franklin 6, Philadelphia Marriott
January 1st 2017
Annual New Year’s Day Marathon Reading
131 E. 10th Street (at 2nd Ave.)
New York NY 10003
Summer-Fall 2016
December 8, 7 p.m.
Drawing Center reading on Olga Chernysheva Exhibition Pierre Joris & Monica de la Torre
The Drawing Center
35 Wooster Street│NY NY 10013
phone 212.219.2166 x.116 │fax 888.380.3362 www.drawingcenter.org
SATURDAY 5 NOVEMBER 2016 – 8 p.m.
Avec Arthur H (lecture), Michel Portal (musique), Françoise Atlan (chants soufis), Michel Deguy (texte d’hommage), Pierre Joris & Nicole Peyrafitte (textes anglais)…
& diffusion d’archives et extraits inédits des carnets de voyage
Mise en scène et conception : Amina Maya Meddeb & Hind Meddeb. Montage : Thim Nacccache
Maison de la Poésie
Passage Moliėre
157, rue Saint-Martin – 75003 Paris
M ° Rambuteau – RER Les Halles
Outside-in / Inside-out
A Symposium / Poetry Festival on Outside and Subterranean Poetry
Jeu 11 déc (14h-19h30)
Ven 12 déc (9h30-20h)
Sam 13 déc (9h30-16h)
Institut Mémoires de l’édition contemporaine, Abbaye d’Ardenne, 14280 Saint-Germain la Blanche-Herbe.
Colloque organisé avec le soutien de l’IMEC, de la Région Basse-Normandie et de la MRSH de l’UCBN (Université de Caen Basse-Normandie).
Ce colloque fera l’objet d’un programme détaillé.
Consulter le site du Collège www.ciph.org
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April 2014
Friday April 4 | 7PM
Two Heads: Pierre Joris & Nicole Peyrafitte Berl’s Poetry Shop
126A Front Street BROOKLYN – D.U.M.B.O
F train to York street or A/C to High Street
Anchored in a processual practice of daily living, writing & art making, their collaboration started in the early 90s & includes a wide range of multimedia performance duos, collaborations on poems & translations, & on many books linking content with covers & illustrations — as well as the raising of two sons. Hosted by Nada Gordon
Wednesday April 16 | 6:30 pm
Reading with Rachida Madani
Silvana Club 300 West
116th St, New York, New York 10026
Silvana hosts a reading of Rachida Madani’s “Tales of a Severed Head”, with Rachida Madani and Pierre Joris, featuring accompaniment by Gnawa Boussou, a traditional Moroccan band based in New York. Rachida Madani, a native of Morocco, has published several volumes of poetry in French, a language she also taught for thirty years. A lifelong political militant, she expresses her resistance: “not by shouting slogans and waving banners. I fight with my words.”
Friday April 25, 2014 | 2-6pm Translating the Untranslatable
Organized by Vincent Broqua, this overview of contemporary poetry translation in the U.S. includes a roundtable discussion and presentation of translated texts. Guest poets include Pierre Alferi, Anne Portugal, Charles Bernstein, Cole Swensen, Pierre Joris, Tracy Grinnell, and Avital Ronell.
NYU French Department
19 University Place, 6th floor
New York, NY 10003
Friday April 25, 2014 | 8pm
Reading of French and American poets Pierre Alferi, Anne Portugal, Charles Bernstein, Cole Swensen, Pierre Joris and Tracy Grinnell, presented by Vincent Broqua.
MacNally Jackson
52 Prince Street
New York, NY 10012
ONLINE Translation Master Class with Pierre Joris Class Date: Saturday, April 26, 2014 Time: 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. CST Duration: 1 day (class meets once, for 3 hrs) Instructor: Pierre Joris Location: Online
Description: Study with poet Pierre Joris in this one-day online class. “Writing translation / translating writing” inverts the traditional relationship of original text & translated copy & reinscribes the activity of translation as core process of the act of writing. Students will be simultaneously involved with writing & with translation from a language of their choice into English in a range of forms proposed by their own practice & cultural.
The class runs for 3 hours and will be held in our online, video-conferenced classroom, so you can attend from your own home, from anywhere in the world. Our students attend class from all over the world, including recently from Australia, Canada, Ireland, Japan, Morocco, the Philippines, Singapore, Scotland, and, of course, the United States.
Class size is limited to 10 students. Sign up quick! a few seats left. Details & Registration, here.
Charles Bernstein
Thom Donovan
Vincent Katz
Zachary Pace
Angelo Nikolopoulos
Andrew Gorin
Andrew Durbin
Eileen Myles
Dorothea Lasky
Brooke Ellsworth
Justin Sherwood
Anselm Berrigan
Jack the Zipper
Timothy Donnelly
Travis Holloway
Karen Weiser
Barbara Henning
Patricia Spears-Jones
Tonya Foster
Bianca Stone
Ali Power
David Shapiro
Simone Kearney
Charles North
Tony Towle
Nicole Peyrafitte
Pierre Joris
Mark Statman
Alex Dimitrov
Ian Spencer Bell
Samantha Zighelboim
Katie Raissianand many more!
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St. Marks Poetry project
Anselm Hollo Memorial Reading
Wednesday, June 5th, 8.p.m.
St. Marks Poetry project
Anselm Hollo Memorial Reading
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The Month of Moderns 2013:The Gulf (between you and me)
June 15th, 23RD, & 30th. The Gulf (between you and me), a major project that has taken years of planning, brings together composers, a poet, an artist, and a variety of musicians from Japan and America to join The Crossing in exploring a particular theme: how we seem to hear what the earth is saying to us with the same sad inability with which we often listen to those we most love. Luxembourg-American poet Pierre Jorishas written a three-part poem that will tie the three performances and composers of this project together. (Two of the composers are relatively new to choral writing; eager to be among the first to have their emerging languages applied to our art, we’re workshopping their ideas on October 13 – open to the public!) To get to know all three composers better, we offer ancillary events – a film and two concerts – that will give insight to the artists’ work. We welcome Chris Jonas’s quartet, Sun Spits Cherries, andGene Coleman’s ensemble of Japanese musicians playing a variety of traditional and contemporary instruments in Ensemble N_JP.
Saturday, June 15, 2013 @ 8pm Month of Moderns I At The Philadelphia Cathedral With special guest Toshimaru Nakamura Gene Coleman: The Gulf (world premiere) Santa Ratniece: Chu Dal (Silent Water, 2008) Tamar Diesendruck: Other Floods (2010)
Philadelphia composer Gene Coleman’s musical language is at times experimental, at other times minimal, often drawing on Japanese influences, improvisation, extended techniques, and Gene’s interest in architecture and structure to create a rich and unique sound world.
Sunday, June 23, 2013 @ 4pm Month of Moderns II The IceBox at Crane Arts Center in Northern Liberties Chris Jonas: The Gulf(world premiere) Santa Ratniece: Horo Horo Hata Hata (2008) Justé Janulyté: aguarelle (Watercolor, 2007)
The Gulf (between you and me) continues with the musical world of Santa Fe composer Chris Jonas in a work that offers a musical language different from any The Crossing has yet sung. This is a collaborative work with graphics created by Philadelphia artist Dan Coleprojected on the 100’ x 25’ foot great wall of the IceBox, intended to be heard in the magnificent acoustic of this modern secular cathedral; we celebrate this wonderful performance venue in the first of four programs to be heard over the next two seasons.
Sunday, June 30, 2013 @ 4pm Month of Moderns III At the Presbyterian Church of Chestnut Hill Gabriel Jackson: The Gulf (world premiere) Santa Ratniece: Saline (Salt Lakes, 2006) John Cage: Four 2 (1992)
After his visit during MoM 2011, the singers of The Crossing were so enamored of British composer Gabriel Jackson that we set about engaging this internationally-recognized composer for a very special event. Gabriel will compose the third and final installment of Pierre Joris’s poem cycle for The Gulf (between you and me); this promises to be an important evening for The Crossing, as we sing in Gabriel’s thoroughly engaging musical language..
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May 14, Tuesday. Reading at Birbeck College, London, Pierre & Nicole.
May 17, Friday. Reading with Allen Fisher, Nicole Peyrafitte & Jean Portante at University of Wales, Bangor.
May 18, Saturday. Full-day conference on Allen Fisher & Pierre Joris’ work at University of Wales, Bangor.
May 21st, Tuesday, reading (PJ & NP) at Edinburgh University.
May 22, Wednesday, presentation of vol. 4 of Poems for the Millennium anthologies(The University of California Book of North African Literature) anthology at CCA Center for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow.
May 23-24, Thursday / Friday, Keynote address (on Nomadic translation) at University of Glasgow.
May 26, Sunday: Little Sparta Reading. (PJ, NP & others t.b.a.).
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Monday, March 4, 6:30 p.m.
A poetry reading at the University of New Haven
Pierre Joris
The event is part of UNH’s Arts@Night series
at the UNH Bookstore on the West Haven campus.
Randall Horton, UNH assistant professor of English, said the evening promises to be an engaging one. “Pierre Joris is one of the most important poets of my generation and beyond,” Horton said. “He is a poet of the world and one sees a ‘world view’ in the body of his work. People who come out will be thoroughly mesmerized at not only Joris’ reading but his life experiences within the literary community. This will be a total experience.” Joris has translated works by Pablo Picasso, Maurice Blanchot, Edmond Jabès and Habib Tengour into English and books by Jack Kerouac, Gregory Corso, Pete Townsend and Sam Shepard into French.
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Friday, March 8
AWP Boston
Event Title: Role and Impact of International Anthologies
Participants: Kaveh Bassiri, Kevin Prufer, Nathalie Handal, Geoffrey Brock, Pierre Joris
Time: 10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
Location: Room 108, Hynes Convention Center
246 Old Walt Whitman Road West Hills, NY 11746 map
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Monday, April 8, 2013, 6:30 pm
535 West 22nd Street, 5th Floor
New York City
Poetry Reading
Pierre Joris & Jerome Rothenberg
$6 general admission; $3 Dia members, students, and seniors
Advance ticket purchases recommended.
Tickets are also available for purchase at the door, subject to availability.
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Tuesday, April 9, 2013, 6:30 pm
McNally Jackson Bookshop
52 Prince St, New York, NY 10012
Phone:(212) 274-1160
Presentation of Vo. 4 of Poems for the Millennium:
The University of California Book of North African Literature
with PJ, NP, Deborah Kapchan, Samia Ouederni & Joseph Mulligan
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Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Bard College
[Place & time to be announced]
DOMOPOETICS: Personal & Shared Artistic Practices AMultimediaperformance by Pierre Joris & Nicole Peyrafitte
Domopoetics is a performance that meanders dialogically between Pierre Joris’ poems, translations & thinking, and Nicole Peyrafitte’s drawings & videos, voice- & textual work.
Joris’ nomadic writerly processes & their insistence on a “barzakh” — a navigable archipelago of “in-betweens” — & Peyrafitte’s concept of “Vulvic space” — a homeomorphic topology or transformable conceptual space enhancing the exchanges between self & other(s) — come together in what can be called a “diastolic flux.” Theoretically describable as moving between a somewhat deleuzian energy of plateaus & stages & a more Irigaray-ian awareness based on difference and infiltration, while always anchored in a processual practical poetics & art making, the couple’s collaboration started in the early 90s, & includes a range of duo multimedia performances, many book covers & illustrations, & the raising of two sons.
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Saturday, April 13th, 2013, from 12 to 6pm
Binghamton International Poetry Festival
Casadeus music hall
Pierre Joris & Nicole Peyrafitte
details t.b.a.
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Thursday, April 25th
The Lilly Library, 1200 East Seventh Street, Bloomington, Indiana
Translation Seminar/Reading
Advanced Study literary translation seminar
“My Life as Ferryman” A Talk on Translation by Pierre Joris
time t.b.a.
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30 November
Princeton University
Gauss Seminars in Criticism
Seminar on Paul Celan’s Meridian
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Thursday 11 October
ENS de Lyon – CERCC (Centre d’Etudes et de recherches Comparées sur la création, EA 1633)
18h30-20h00 : Lectures poétiques croisées et discussion sur l’art de s’entre- traduire par Joris Pierre et Habib Tengour
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Brooklyn Borough Hall and Plaza
209 Joralemon Street, Brooklyn NY 11201
5 – 6 pm
“Translating the Maghreb after the Arab Spring”
The PEN Translation Committee presents noted translators, editors and poets Nathalie Handal (moderator, author of Language of a New Century: Poetry from the Middle East, Asia & Beyond and The Poetry of Arab Women: A Contemporary Anthology), Pierre Joris (Exile Is My Trade: A Habib Tengour Reader and The University of California Book of North African Literature), Deborah Kapchan (Gender on the Market: Moroccan Women and the Revoicing of Tradition) and Peter Thompson (A Passenger from the West and Hearing your Story by Nabile Farès), who will explore the effects the popular Arab uprisings in North Africa have had on poetry and narratives, both written and oral, and discuss their recent works in translation.
details t.b.a.
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Unhappily I had to cancel a range of the summer programs but this fall I’m back doing stuff!
FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL CHIHUAHUA LITERATURA EN EL BRAVO 2011 Encuentro Internacional de Escritores 8 al 10 de septiembre. Ciudad Juárez, Chih.
Friday, September 8th 10.a.m.: Universidad Americana del Noreste Mesa #6. Roberto Echavarren (URU), Pierre Joris (LUX), Myriam Moscona (MEX) y José Eugenio Sánchez (MEX)
Saturday, September 9th 12:15 p.m.: Librería Universitaria (Centro Cultural Paso del Norte) Mesa 21. Poetas del mundo, #2 Luis Armenta Malpica (MEX), Benito del Pliego (ESP), Stephan Despatie (CAN), Roberto Echavarren (URU), Pierre Joris (LUX) y Daniel Leuwers (FRA)
7.p.m.Jerome Rothenberg: Proteo en Ciudad Juárez Teatro experimental Octavio Trías del Centro Cultural Paso del Norte –Jerome Rothenberg, el poeta norteamericano, por Pierre Joris –Rothenberg y la etnopoesía, por Enrique Servín –Palabra y pensamiento en Jerome Rothenberg, por Evodio Escalante –Rothenberg, el traductor, por Heriberto Yépez
* * * Thursday, September 29th Poetry reading: Ken Irby & Pierre Joris University of Maine, Orono time & place t.b.a.
* * * Sunday, October 2nd, 7 -10 p.m. Bowery Poetry Club AN EVENING WITH JEROME ROTHENBERG
* * * Thursday, October 6th Celebrating Aimé Césaire Panel Discussion/Reading — 4:15 p.m., Standish Room, Science Library With presentations & readings by A. James Arnold, Eloise Briére, Glyne Griffiths & Pierre Joris
* * * Saturday, November 5th “The Eberhardt Colloquium in Honor of the Writing of Kenneth Irby on the Occasion of his 75th Birthday” from 9 am to 5 pm Alderson Auditorium in the Kansas Union. University of Kansas, Lawrence, KA with Lyn Hejinian (UC-Berkeley), Pierre Joris (SUNY-Albany), Ben Friedlander (University of Maine), Denise Low (Haskell Indian Nations University) and Joe Harrington (University of Kansas)
* * * Tuesday, 15 November 6PM Pierre Joris (with audio-visuals by Nicole Peyrafitte) WITH PAUL CELAN INTO THE 21ST CENTURY Harvard University Edison-Newman Room, Houghton Library Cambridge, MA 02138
* * * Thursday, 17 November Harvard University Center for Middle Eastern Studies Program in Moroccan Studies MOROCCAN STUDIES FORUM 2011-2012 CMES Room 102 (38 Kirkland Street) 5:00pm Pierre Joris“The Making of Diwan Ifrikiya, or How to Put 2500 years of Maghrebian Literature into One Book”
* * * Saturday, December 9th Celebrating Jerome Rothenberg @ 80 Graduate Center, NYC 10 a.m.-5 p.m. organized by Pierre Joris, Charles Bernstein & Steve Clay (details t.b.a.)
Saturday , May 7, 8:00am –9:00pm
Illuminated Verses: Poetries of the Islamic World Bridging Cultures: Poetries of the Islamic World
With Najwa Adra, Muzaffar Alam, Ammiel Alcalay, Kazim Ali, Reza Aslan, Kaveh Bassiri, Clarissa Burt, Steven Caton, Sylviane Diouf, Pierre Joris, Mohja Kahf, Persis Karim, Khaled Mattawa, Jawid Mojaddedi, Stefania Pandolfo, Frances W. Pritchett, Mahwash Shoaib & Others This day-long symposium on the poetries of the Islamic world brings together scholars, poets and writers from around the globe and features panel discussions and performances of classical, sung and contemporary poetry. For details, visit www.poetshouse.org. Location: BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center, 199 Chambers Street Organized by Poets House & City Lore & presented in conjunction with the Asia Society & Borough of Manhattan Community College. Illuminated Verses is made possible through a special Bridging Cultures grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. —Admission free—
Saturday, May 7, all day Robert Kelly @ 75 Maya Deren Room Anthology Film Theater details t.b.a.
Saturday 30 April 4 p.m. Segue Reading Series @ Bowery poetry Club Nick Piombino & Pierre Joris
Tuesday 26 April Poets House, New York Mohammed Bennis (Morocco) in conversation with Pierre Joris
Friday-Sunday 1-3 April Printemps des Poètes Luxembourg, Gd. of Luxembourg Pierre Joris & others details t.b.a.
Thursday 24 March 4:30 p.m. University of Maine, Orono Kenneth Irby & Pierre Joris
Friday 18 March 7 p.m. Poets House, New York Passwords: Pierre Joris on Paul Celan
Esteemed poet and translator Pierre Joris discusses Paul Celan (1920–1970), the German–speaking Jewish poet whose writings transformed post–World War II poetry. Joris presents recordings of Celan, videos, readings and more.
Wednesday 2 March 8 p.m. Poetry Project St. Mark’s Church Kenneth Irby & Pierre Joris
Price $10 per set / $15 for 2 sets / $20 for the night – door only ($7 / $12 / $17 for students & seniors)
Personnel Nicole Peyrafitte, Pierre Joris, Michael Bisio
About the event Trialogues are improvised collaborative exchanges inside a set time limit between 3 protagonists unconditionally dedicated to their chosen mode of expression: Joris to his nomadic poetry in its wandering, rhizomatic explorations; Peyrafitte to her nourishing, sensual, campy and scintillating multi-layered vocal range & texts ; Bisio to the extraordinary tonal beauty and intensity of the very personal musical language of his double bass.
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Vision Fest XV – 2010
New York City Day 10 — TUESDAY, JUNE 29TH
9:15 Trialogue: Pierre Joris / Nicole Peyrafitte / Michael Bisio Trio
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Sunday, June 27
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
1000 Fifth Avenue at 82nd Street New York, New York 10028-0198
Information: 212-535-7710
Pierre Joris, professor of English, University at Albany, State University of New York, and poet Picasso, Pablo Ruiz: Spanish Poet Who Dabbled in Painting, Drawing, and Sculpture
1:00 p.m.
The Grace Rainey Rogers Auditorium
Free with Museum admission
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Thursday May 27th 7pm MaelstrÖm Revolution Festival
a convocation of unorthodox poetic and cultural practics
Miami Art Museum
2:30pm–4:00pm Tyrone Williams, Erin Mouré/Oana Avasilichioaei, Pierre Joris
Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
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April 9 (Friday)
SpringEnglish Department Book Launch
6:00-8:00 p.m.
at the Upstate Artist’s Guild Gallery. 247 Lark St., Albany. Featuring authors:
Branka Arsic:On Leaving, A Reading in Emerson Jennifer Greiman: Democracy’s Spectacle: Sovereignty and Public Life in Antebellum American Writing Pierre Joris: Justifying the Margins Richard Matturro: Perseus Lisa Thompson: Beyond the Black Lady: Sexuality and the New African American Middle Class
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Monday March 29th NP w/ Pierre Joris & Michael Bisio (bass)
269 E Houston Street NYC
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March 25- March 27
Worcester, MA
The Olson Centenary
program t.b.a.
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Sunday March 21 NP & Pierre Joris, Nick Flynn, Major Jackson, Douglas Unger 6PM
Poets for Peace at Erika’s
85-101 N. 3rd St # 508 Brooklyn, NY 11211 (between wythe and berry and it is the bedford stop on the L train)
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Tuesday March 9 10:00-12:00
Bowery Poetry Club’s Sxith Annual
Praise Bukowski Night!
Free – “the people look like flowers at last.” Join us for this annual event celebrating the work and life of Charles Bukowski! featuring Steven Ben Israel, Jennifer Blowdryer, Steve Cannon, Steve Dalachinsky, David Huberman, Pierre Joris, Tsaurah Litzky, Dave Mandl, Nancy Mercado, Big Mike, Iris B.Schwartz, Susan Scutti, Carl Watson + Open Reading! Bring a poem of Buk’s to read!
Come early to get a seat & order from the terrific menu
Reading starts at 6:30 p.m. sharp
Sidewalk Café, 94 Avenue A at 6th Street, 212-473-7373
V or F to Second Avenue (exit at First Avenue)
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Saturday, May 16, 2009
6:00pm – 7:30pm BOWERY POETRY CLUB
Nicole Peyrafitte & Michael Bisio
“Whisk! Don’t Churn”
cd release concert
This concert celebrates the CD release of the live recording of their November 20th 2008 concert . Tonight they will offer a selection of Peyrafitte’s originals, contemporary poetry/texts by Pierre Joris, Henri Michaux, Frida Kahlo, Occitan songs and their signature song…or is it a dish? As Pierre Joris writes in the liner notes: “This CD is the live recording of an emulsion: bass & voice whisking words & music — & real cream on track # 6 — ‘La crème de la crème,’ you might say! Whisk! Don’t churn! celebrates that rare occasion: a profoundly original quest.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
(Poetics After Postmodernism, II)
Poetry Reading
MODERATORS: Peter Carravetta & Rowan Phillips
Ammiel Alcalay
Pierre Joris
SUNY/ALBANY Mario Moroni
Richard Milazzo
Thursday, March 12
9 p.m.
Justin’s On Lark
“Wisk! Don’t Churn!”
Nicole Peyrafitte & Michael Bisio
CD Release Event
Friday, February 27
7 p.m.
Rhetorics of Plague Conference
The University at Albany
Poetry Reading
Monday, February 2
Nazareth College of Rochester
Lecture on Maghrebian poetry & Poetry Reading
(Visited 965 times, 1 visits today)
January 4, 2024
Segue (Artists Space, 11 Cortlandt Alley, NYC)
Saturday, August 17, 5:00PM
STAND4 Gallery: Karstic-Action VOTE 2024!
Performance - Vote drive - Exhibition by Nicole le Peyrafitte & Pierre Joris STAND4 Gallery, 414 78th Street, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, New York 11209
St Marks Poetry Project, 131 E. 10th Street, New York, NY 10003
Saturday, November 23
Poetry Reading
Tucson POG/Chax (details to be announced)
Pierre Joris, born in Strasbourg, France in 1946, was raised in Luxembourg. Since age 18, he has moved between Europe, the Maghreb & the US & holds both Luxembourg & American citizenship. He has published over 80 books of poetry, essays, translations & anthologies — most recently Interglacial Narrows (Poems 1915-2021) & Always the Many, Never the One: Conversations In-between, with Florent Toniello, both from Contra Mundum Press. In 2020 his two final Paul Celan translations came out: Microliths They Are, Little Stones (Posthumous prose, from CMP) & The Collected Earlier Poetry (FSG). Forthcoming are: Paul Celan’s “Todesfuge” (Small Orange Import, 2023) & Diwan of Exiles: A Pierre Joris Reader (edited with Ariel Reznikoff, 2024). For a full list see the right column on this blog.
In 2011 Litteraria Pragensia, Charles University, Prague, published Pierre Joris: Cartographies of the In-between, edited by Peter Cockelbergh, with essays on Joris’ work by, among others, Mohammed Bennis, Charles Bernstein, Nicole Brossard, Clayton Eshleman, Allen Fisher, Christine Hume, Robert Kelly, Abdelwahab Meddeb, Jennifer Moxley, Jean Portante, Carrie Noland, Alice Notley, Marjorie Perloff & Nicole Peyrafitte (2011).
Other work includes the CD Routes, not Roots (with Munir Beken, oud; Mike Bisio, bass; Ben Chadabe, percussion; Mitch Elrod, guitar; Ta’wil Productions). With Jerome Rothenberg he edited Poems for the Millennium, vol. 1 & 2: The University of California Book of Modern & Postmodern Poetry, and with Habib. Tengour Poems for the Millennium, vol. 3: The University of California Book of North African Literature.
When not on the road, he lives in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, with his wife, multimedia praticienne Nicole Peyrafitte. A volume of their collaborative work, to be called Domopoetics, will be published in the near future.