Larry & I

Numero Cinq, an excellent online magazine, has a nice spread of friend Dan Wilcox’s poet-photos. I do hope that one of these days Dan can find a way of showing a few thousands of his poet-photos — a true treasure trove I have seen him amassing since we first met some 18 years ago, & he certainly took thousands before that. You can also check out my translations of Habib Tengour in that issue.

It is always surprising to see oneself in one of those photos — here’s me with Lawrence Ferlinghetti way back when, at our late friend Tom Nattell’s Albany home. But first, here’s what Dan has to say about his photographer’s art:

I started taking photos many years ago of poets & writers reading their work & my photos have been used for the cover of poetry chapbooks, for publicity & author’s photos, in poetry magazines & online. Before digital cameras, I was often the lone photographer in the audience.  I estimate to have approximately 10,000 photos, many of famous poets & writers, but mostly the unknown community poets who read at open mics in the Capital District area.  You can many of my photos at —Dan Wilcox

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1 Response

  1. John says:

    In days of old when poets had hair.

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